Discover all the new features offered by the latest version of STAGE+.


Data management workspace

This workspace allows the import of data from various sources.

Several systems for managing internships are used by educational establishments. In order to avoid re-entry, the risk of errors or simply wasted time, STAGE+ offers a workspace entirely dedicated to the import of data from third-party systems.

This release provides support for the following systems:

  • HSPnet
    Nearly 50% of internships come from the HSPnet platform which is mainly used for healthcare internships.

  • MedSIS
    A solution that facilitates the implementation and practice of teaching based on health skills. This solution is mainly in use at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal in Quebec.

  • One45
    Helps simplify complex workflows, streamline accreditation, and improve assessment of your health sciences program.

  • GIS 2.0
    The Integrated Internship Management (GIS) system of the Faculty of Medicine of Laval University.
    It is also from this space that you can import all the data necessary for the proper functioning of the platform.

Automated correction rules

The world of education and that of the health and social services network each have their own vocabulary.

We have created an ingenious system to automatically translate data from an external system when it is imported into STAGE+.

Once configured, these rules will apply to each of your imports, eliminating a lot of time normally required to obtain quality data.

Course schedule

Quickly access the internship schedule for your care unit or department.

As soon as an internship is confirmed, a schedule is created and the internship is displayed in a calendar. This is available to respondents, managers, those responsible for coordinating internships as well as those responsible for internships.

No more manually creating schedules and sending them by email. Simply log on to STAGE+ to access it.